Sunday 18th April 2010
This Sunday we have special guest speaker, Rev Ronald Ooi, joining us to share in the Sunday morning service.
Pastor Ronald Ooi has pastored churches in Malaysia and speaks at churches all around Malaysia and internationally. He’s a man who speaks the word in season, who speaks words of encouragement and through the gospel, he builds the lives of people.
Ron & Jasmine have spent their lives actively helping people with problems related to drug abuse, dysfunctional families and displaced children. They have a passion to see lives changed and transformed by the saving grace of God.
They have 30 years of pastoral experience and teaching in Bible colleges. Ron was the president of Bible College of Malaysia and held executive positions in the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship and the Assemblies of God Malaysia.
They are committed to building people to become successful individuals in the home and community. Pastor Ronald Ooi has pastored churches in Malaysia and speaks at churches all around Malaysia and internationally. He’s a man who speaks the word in season, who speaks words of encouragement and through the gospel, he builds the lives of people.