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Occasional Services


We believe that baptism is full immersion in water as described in the New Testament and modelled by Jesus when He was baptised by John in the Jordan River (Luke 3:16).

Baptism is an outward act of obedience following our inward decision at conversion. It represents our new life in Christ, different from our life before we accepted Jesus as Lord of our lives.

To help you understand baptism, a compulsory class is held one week prior to the Baptism service.

As baptism is a decision that must be consciously understood, all candidates must be over 12 years old.

We invite family and friends to come and witness this special occasion and respectfully request that they attend the whole service.

Baptisms are held at varying times throughout the year. Please contact us via this link or or speak to one of our pastoral team if you would like to be baptised or simply want to know more.

Infant and Child Dedication

We believe in presenting our infants and children to the Lord, acknowledging their lives as a gift from God entrusted to us. Child dedication is a decision by parents to ask the Lord to help them nurture and care for their children individually and committing to teaching them how to live godly lives. Dedication was an established ceremony in both the Old and New Testament (Luke 1:59-60 ; Luke 2:23-24).

Dedication is not baptism or making the child a Christian, as these are both individual choices that the child will need to make at the appropriate times.

We invite family and friends to come and witness this special occasion and respectfully request that they attend the whole service.

We are happy to include younger children who have not been dedicated previously.

Please contact us via this link or speak to one of the pastoral team in regard to Infant and Child Dedication or if you simply want to know more.

Parents with newborns can watch from the parent room


Weddings are events to be celebrated and we have many avenues of help available. We adhere to the Biblical teachings of marriage between a man and a woman, that are totally motivated by genuine love and respect for every individual person. We believe this reflects God’s desire to show His goodness and to bless all people.

We believe that God designed and instituted marriage and highly value the journey from a relationship, to engagement, marriage and beyond. Ephesians 5:31-32.

We want to ensure you are well prepared for your future together and don’t want to rush this important step. At least 6 months prior to your wedding ceremony, please contact us to undertake a Pre Marriage Course with one of our facilitators. The earlier you contact us the better.

You may wish to use our venue for your special day, so again advance bookings are very important.

We also have pastors who are registered as Celebrants who can conduct your Wedding Service.

Please contact us via this link or speak to one of the pastoral team in regard to your Marriage or if you simply want to know more.


Saying goodbye to a loved one and celebrating their life is a very emotional time as you experience grief and loss. When this happens in your life, please contact us so we can provide personal emotional and spiritual support during this time.

Your funeral provider will guide you through the processes and help you make important decisions. If you wish to use our venue and/or pastoral staff to conduct the service then please contact us asap to make arrangements.

You have the important task of crafting a service that reflects the life of your loved one; focusing on aspects of their journey through life, history, family and special qualities that you loved and respected. Our Pastoral staff can help you put this together in conjunction with your funeral provider.

Please contact us via this link or speak to one of our pastoral team.